Franchisee's Recommendation

Turkysh Delites Franchise

Page Views : 1873

Turkysh Delight is one of the brands that offers delicious sweets that you will love to bite. The brand is also referred to as lokum in the districts of Turkey. This popular sweet with a jelly consistency is compatible in our country and these sweets are loved by many. It is one of the classical and oldest sweets which can date back upto 500 years. Lokum is a special one that is enjoyed along with Turkish coffee. Even today, the sweets strike nostalgia within the locals that reminds them of the childhood days. The brand states that it is a popular memento which the tourists take to their homes to friends and family. Check out the Turkysh Delites Franchise reviews in Franchise Reviews

Area Required

150 to 500 Sq.ft

No. of outlets


Investment Range

10 Lakhs - 20 Lakhs
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